Effectiveness of Structured Diabetes Education for Children Newly Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Main objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of systematized diabetes education in children with new onset of DM1 at the Fuenlabrada University Hospital (HUF), Madrid.
Methodology: Comparative study between two samples of children aged 0 to 14 years who had new onset of DM1 before and after the introduction of a diabetes education programme. A total of 34 children enrolled at the HUF who were admitted with new onset of DM1 were studied. To evaluate the effectiveness of the programme, bivariate analyses were performed to find relationships between systematized diabetes education and the variables: days of admission, visits to the emergency room due to complications, home leave and HbA1c at 3 and 6 months.
Main results: The number of days of admission was reduced by 3 days (p<0.001), complications within 6 months after discharge decreased by 41.2% (p=0.019) and home leave increased by 23.6% (p=0.001).
Main conclusion: The results suggest the effectiveness of systematized diabetes education in children with DM1 onset