Factors Contributing to Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimens in Chronic Patients During Nursing Consultations


  • Melody G. Andrei 1 & Anna Y. Jensen 2 1 Department of Health Sciences, Public University of Navarra. & 2 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights


Objective: To analyze and identify the causes that produce ineffective management of the therapeutic regimen in chronic patients in nursing consultations.
Methodology: Descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study. Descriptive, quantitative, qualitative and inferential analysis (Chi-square test and ANOVA test). In the qualitative analysis, the results were labeled in four categories: Knowledge and skills of the user. Motivation and difficulties to take care of oneself. Family and social support. Relationship with the health team.
Results: 25 patients participated in the quantitative study and 6 in the qualitative one. They present an average of 4 pathologies, the most prevalent being Diabetes (80%), Obesity (76%), HTA (68%), COPD (12%), Heart disease and other processes (20%). In the analysis of the interviews, the greatest problems were: non-compliance with diet and physical exercise. Family support is given an important value and the relationship with the health team is positively weighted



How to Cite

Melody G. Andrei 1 & Anna Y. Jensen 2. (2024). Factors Contributing to Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimens in Chronic Patients During Nursing Consultations. Pooda Journal of Business Marketing, Finance, And Accounting Studies, 14(2). Retrieved from https://pooda.org/index.php/pooda/article/view/335


