Nursing Students' Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Gender Violence


  • Lukas C. Schmidt Genetic Counseling Unit, Hereditary Cancer Program, Catalan Institute of Oncology


Objective: To identify beliefs and attitudes towards gender violence (GBV) in nursing students at the School of Health Sciences of the University of Seville.
Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional study involving 265 nursing students from the University of Seville. The instrument used was an anonymous, self-administered survey to assess self-perception, socialization, academic training in gender and training to address GBV, to which Díaz-Aguado's Scale of Beliefs and Attitudes towards Gender and Violence (CAGV) was incorporated.
Results: Boys have more sexist beliefs and girls value women's access to positions of power and responsibility more highly. First-year students are more likely to consider GBV to be a consequence of biological fatality, while students in higher grades consider GBV to be a private matter.

Conclusion: Men are more influenced by sexist beliefs and adopt a more fatalistic stance when justifying violence



How to Cite

Lukas C. Schmidt. (2024). Nursing Students’ Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Gender Violence. Pooda Journal of Business Marketing, Finance, And Accounting Studies, 14(2). Retrieved from


