Environmental Factors Affecting Concentration Of Thyroid-Stimulation
Currently, the issue of studying the morpho - functional health of the student body is relevant , since their age is optimal for the realization of reproductive function. The regulation of the morpho-functional functions of the body is carried out by the balanced work of the nervous and humoral mechanisms [7] . The humoral regulation of physiological functions attracts particular interest of many researchers, since for the current ecological situation in our country there is an imbalance of this regulation, which entails various violations, both primary and those that do not allow the body to adapt to changing environmental factors in the future
How to Cite
Robbins A.1*, Stephen P2., Bloom, G.3. (2023). Environmental Factors Affecting Concentration Of Thyroid-Stimulation . Pooda Journal of Business Marketing, Finance, And Accounting Studies, 13(1). Retrieved from https://pooda.org/index.php/pooda/article/view/258